Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course attendees should be able to:

  • Know how to write selection criteria responses to help you win interviews.

  • Know how to read and understand a position description.

  • Know and understand what the key words are in a selection criterion as well as how to use them in your response.

  • Understand what STAR/SAO models are and how to apply them.

  • Know what the selection process is like for the panel and how you can help them select you for interview.


Is 'How To Write Selection Criterion' The Course For You?

  • Who will benefit most from this course?

    This is our flagship course designed for those applying for public sector and government positions. If you're new to the process of applying for roles in the public sector or you're regularly applying with no success, we share the best tips and tricks for what and how to write selection criteria responses, from the perspective of a public sector recruiter.

  • How is the course delivered?

    This is an online course broken into 8 sections

  • How long does it take to complete?

    Most participants complete this course in 1 to 2 hours.

Course curriculum

  • 3
    Lesson #2 - Selection Criteria
    • Understanding Selection Criteria
    • Selection Criteria Frameworks
    • Asking Questions of the Position Contact
  • 4
    Lesson #3 - SAO Framework
    • Understanding and using the SAO framework
    • What is SAO?
    • Your Values, Beliefs, Thoughts and Feelings
    • Good, Very Good and Outstanding Responses
    • Selection Criteria Adjectives
    • Testing Your Understanding So Far
    • I and Me Statements
    • Quoting Others
    • I Can't Meet the Criteria, What Do I Do?
    • Testing Your Understanding So Far
  • 5
    Lesson #4 - The Panel
    • What is A Selection Process Like for the Panel
    • The Panel Chair
    • The Panel Members
  • 6
    Lesson #5 - Draft Responses
    • Responses
    • A Poor Response
    • Poor Response Quiz
    • A Good Response
    • Good Response Quiz
    • An Outstanding Response
    • Outstanding Response Quiz
  • 7
    Lesson #6 - The Bonus Lesson
    • Learn From Others Experience
    • The Things To NOT Do
  • 8
    Conclusion, Survey and Next steps
    • Congratulations - You Made It. Lets Review What You Learned
    • Next Steps
    • Our Contacts
    • The End
    • Before you go...